Sunday, February 2, 2014

"And then she said ..."

mi mom came back frum da skool da udder day an told me da followin:
"(blank) said she doesn't understand your blog and then she said she doesn't have time to try to figure it out."
if  she duzzen't understand it ... why iz she even bothering to go dere?
mi mom shoudda sed dat she izzen't interested in reedin abowt her d-o-g!
i am jus sayin.
in udder nooz,
mi grate frend cal'z mom sent me all mi catster stuff.
i wuz feelin nostaljik az i red thru mi diary an looked at mi pikshurz.
thank u laura!
an, becuz u commented on mi eerz ... an compared me to a owl ...
i took de pikshur  displayed at da  top espeshulee fer u.
it showz how i can do grate thingz wid mi eerz.
in dis shot i am makin one eer smaller dan da udder.
back to dat d-o-g person frum da skool.
i am linkin mi blog to MY facebook paje frum now on.
i am jus sayin.
da end.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

back to normal

well wuddya know.
doze dum catz ar owt in da cold an mi dad iz back frum a trip to washington, DC.
life iz back to normal

we (matsui an joba an i) spent da hole day together in da house wile mi mom wuz at da skool.
i'm still alive ... 
so dat'z good nooz.
wile mi dad wuz workin an havin sum fun,
i wuz takin care uv mi mom an protectin her.
i am glad to say dat dere were no introoderz.
an dat'z good nooz.
da end.

Monday, January 27, 2014

sad cat

i wuz laffin an laffin wen i herd dis sad cat'z diary.
i think u will laff an laff, too.


speekin uv sad:
matsui an joba wanna stay outside in dis very cold wether.
stoopid AND sad!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

i wuzzen't kiddin

i wuzzen't kiddin wen i sed i wuz nervus yesterday.
look ware i spent da day ...

dat'z rite.
i wuz hidin in da clozet.
in udder nooz:

in 21 degreez, mi brudder matsui rezembulz a bowling ball.
don't u agree?

Saturday, January 25, 2014


i 'm nervus.
not only iz stoopid joba in da howse ...
mi scaredy cat cuzzin d-o-g iz comin today.
dat meenz i will be hidin owt behind clozed doorz all weekend.
mi scaredy cat cuzzin d-o-g duzzen't reelly bother me ... she iz more scared uv me, i  think.
it'z jus dat she'zza d-o-g.
but dat stoopid cat, joba ... 
i know yer sick uv heerin abowt dat.
nervus ...
it'z not a good thing to be.
i am jus sayin.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

frum da annalz uv catster ... a mudder'z day poem

wen i wuz on catster ... i hadda lotta fun.
one uv mi bes frendz wuz skeezix hoo ran dis contest fer mudder'z day.
i wanna thank cal'z mom fer findin dis grate piece uv poetry dat i rote fer mi mom wen we were both a lot younger.
pee ess ... mi mom did not win.
i am jus sayin.

a poem fer mi mom by jeter harris
mi mom iz grate an reelee swell
she lookz ok an hazza nice smell
she feedz me, luvz me, givz me voice
uv all da mudderz she'd be mi choice
took me in wen she swore "no more catz."
won't dress me up or make me ware hatz
gave me a good home ... anna perfect name
if u don't pick dis woman it wood be a shame ...
becuz mi mom'z da best cat mom ... dat iz true.
but ... winner or not, mom ... i will alwayz luv u.
da end.
pee ess ... i don't mind a raw mowse evree now an den.

    now an den

    dis izza snow day fer mi mom.
    dat meenz no skool fer her ... anna typist fer me.

    az u may or mayen't know ... catster iz closin down an allotta catz ar runnin back dere to get dere pikshurz an diariez, etc.
    i picked up a few uv mi old pikshurz ... an dis iz wut i came up wid.
    dat top pikshur iz me today ...
    da udder one iz me abowt 9 yeerz ago.
    still hansum, yes?
    speekin uv snow ...
    we ar all in da howse.
    dat meenz joba iz inside.
    i'm sorry ... i jus don't like him.
    he makez me growl.
    da end.