sum time ago, mi brudder mike an hiz girlfrend mandy did sumthin dat I found to be very surprisin.
dey got a d-o-g!
a harris getzza d-o-g an not a cat?
well, mike wuz sendin pikshurz, an mi mom an dad thot he wuz cute.
den, one day, dey came home frum a trip to noo york city akshooly smelling like d-o-g!
when da little bugger finallee had all hiz shotz ... he made da trip owt to lon guyland.
an heer he iz ... makin hiz way up MI steps to torcher me.
in hid in da closet.
lookit dat stoopid smile!
well ... thank dog he duzzen't live heer becuz dat wood jus smell up mi howse.