Friday, July 12, 2013

mi favorit thing ... in da werld

dis iz wut I see every day.  
da food lady created it fer me an mi mom sum time back.
i luv it more dan anything I hav.
az u can see, it sez "life iz grate" an "laffin an laffin"
a pikshur uv da grate Derek Jeter iz on da side an dere izza message frum da food lady, herself, in her own handritin.
fabyoolus, yes?
after all da talk about da lizardz, i lerned da followin:
#1-chicken probably tastez like lizard
an #2-'kaika'z mom plantz lizard talez in her garden
see, brudderz an sistahz ... u lern sumthin new every day.
speekin uv Derek Jeter, he haz been on da dee ell since las yeer.
it haz been sad widowt him.
but tra la tra la ... he came back to play yesturday.
i am sad to say, however, dat he pulled hiz quad an he'z not playin again dis week ... an maybe he will be back on da dee ell again nex friday.
I am jus sayin'.


  1. We have one too and we love love love it!!!

    1. It izza one uvva kind dat will be worth lotsa money someday ... I think

  2. Housepanther RUSH and Tortie MYSTY say come to Virginia sometime, Jeter.

    1. I wood luv to come to virginya, mi frendz, but I am afrade to go outside deez dayz!
      I am jus sayin

  3. Heh. You get to see yourself in the Food Lady's art, but the Woman gets to WEAR it. And dood...if I want...I CAN LICK MYSELF. Right there on her arm!

    (But I am kinda jealous of yours, to be honest...)

  4. The food lady must think you're special. Wait! You are special, Jeter. :) And so is the food lady to give you such a lovely present.

  5. I love my painting like that too! It is especially wonderful to have because it has me and my brofur Junior in it, and I do miss him so!!! Meowm will have to get the FL to make one of Sammy and Emily.


  6. Anything with your face on it is a work of art, my friend, but the FL truly did create a masterpiece! My mom is making smoochie noises looking at your picture. Just sayin'.

    1. Maybe yer mom iz also makin sumthin wid lizard talez
      I am jus sayin
