Wednesday, July 10, 2013

tra la tra la

well brudderz an sistahz,
in just a short time mi mom will be home frum her vizit to da funshine state.
before she left, tho, she sent me mi yeerly gift ...
a pikshur uvva lizard.
I luv dis one becuz he haz hiz red puffy thing out!
very hansum.
fer yer infermashun, mi gram iz grate.
she had fun wid mi mom.
dey ate lottsa food an laffed at jokez.
life iz grate.
soon I will be wid mi mom an we will be catchin up on GoT.
I can't wate!


  1. That lizard looks pretty funky! So glad your Mom is coming home now, and that she had so much fun with your Gram!

  2. Wow! Our lizards don't do that! I want one of those. I took the tail off one last week and was having fun playing with it but my mom stole it and put it in the herb garden.

    I'm glad your Mom is on her way back to you, my friend!

    1. Iz yer mom growin lizard talez in da garden?

    2. Actually, she put the whole lizard in the herb garden -- only not at the same time. (She found the lizard hiding from me in the cat room and staged an intervention. Duhr.) I don't think she was trying to grow lizards, but she did say that lizards can grow back their tales, so who knows?

    3. Izzit trio dat chicken tastez like lizard?

  3. That is one cool lizard, Jeter! We have lizards too, but they don't have red thingies like that! I'm glad your Mom will be home soon!


  4. I think dat lizard ate a big red rubber ball an iz trying to spot it out.
    Wuddya think?

  5. Oh man, it's a shame she only sent the picture and not the lizard. I've always wondered if they taste like chicken...

  6. I think dat 'kaika will tell u, max, dat chicken akshooally tastez like lizard!
    I think.

  7. Wonderful news, Jeter. Nothing like having your mom home.

  8. ... AND she offered me a piece of her chicken tonight. Life iz grate
