Friday, June 28, 2013

wut I hav been doin

well, az u may or mayen't know, i went frum bein a owtdoor cat to a indoor  cat becuz uv joba (hoo, altho he is still stoopid, he iz notta kitten anymore.) las week i venchered owtta da howse an into da grate owtdoorz.  it wuz warm, eksitin, an sumwut relaxin ...

In fact ... Heer I am relaxin on da grill ... A old favrit!
tryin to blog yoozin da iPad iz sumwut tedious. I hate da spell an grammar check.  fer dog sake!  I know wut I am doin!
In udder nooz ... Mi teem, da noo york yankeez, iz havin a tuff go uv it.
i am jus sayin'.
mi mom an I ar watchin game uv thronez. 
ar u? 


  1. Our Meowm is watching Game of Thrones. She really likes it!

    Good to see you Jete!!!!!

    1. we ar waitin fer seezunz 1 + 2 becuz we jus got into da "game" dis seezun

  2. We are also watching! And I am certain the Yankees are struggling because the male kind of likes them for the moment because he'd like to see Ichiro go to a series... personally I can show him a series with Ichiro...

  3. DOOOD! YER BACK!!! Sorry about the Yankees, but YER BACK!!!

    1. I am, dood! let'z hope dis iPad duzzen't make me INSANE!

  4. And you're lookin' grate in the grate outdoors!

    It's a good thing I already had a name before GoT came out or my name might have been Tyrion.

  5. How dare any ipad try to correct your spelling. You're the great spelling coach!

    Um, are you aware you have word verification on? Some of us have a hard/impossible time reading it. Just sayin.

    1. Yes an I hav mi mom werkin on dat problem. Werd verificashun iz stoopid! I am jus sayin.
