Saturday, December 28, 2013

jus to keep u up-to-date

joba, dat stoopid cat (he'z jus too old to be a kitten!) iz still in mi life. 
 i havta say, i feel bad fer him sumtimez.
he'z too stoopid to come in da howse, even wen da weather iz bad.
wen he duz come in, he swatz at mi mom wen she petz him.
stoopid joba.
he swatz da hand dat feedz him.
dis iz how i like to spend time wid him ...

dat'z me on da inside lookin owt ... an him on da owtside lookin in.
an dat'z how it shood be.


speekin uv shood,
u shood leev a comment if u vizit me heer.
it makez me feel better.
i am jus sayin.
da end.
yer frend, jh


  1. Poor Joba. Out in the cold. :-( I bet if you were nicer to him, he might come in, Jeter. Jus' sayin'. ;-)

  2. Jeter, we just need to get the word out that you are back to bloggin. I'll put out the word on my Facebook for ya!

  3. Love ya Mister Jeter Harris. I'm glad to reed your wurds again!

  4. Dear Brudder - we think that little Joba needs some big Brudder lovin'.

  5. Hi, Jeter. I'm back again trying to leave you a coment. What I said before was that Joba really is stoopid for staying owtside in all kinds of weather, and especially for swatting da hand dat feeds him!! I know dat you would never do dat!!! You're the best boy ever!!

  6. What a silly Joba! Meowm wishes he would smarten up and come in, but we know you are very glad he doesn't come in.

  7. I'm just sayin' I want Joba IN the house, just like I wanted you IN the house years ago!

    Knead On ~


  8. I think that maybe Joba should come in when it's cold outside. He looks like a smart ginger tabby to me - I am also a smart ginger tabby! I'm happy to meet you, Jeter, and Joba - China Cat had told me what terrific cats are before she left for that Bridge. I hope that we can be friends too!

    Purrrrrrrrs, Spike William

  9. Hi Jete. I'm glad to see you blogging again. I've given up the blogging life in favor of chasing peacock feathers, whapping my beans when the food delivery is too slow, and watching all the animals play in my back yard. I can report that life is grate in San Francisco too. I'm just glad I don't have to put up with a Joba.

  10. of course that's how it should be jeterpie! *smooch*

    smiles, yab
