Thursday, July 4, 2013

happy independence day

hello brudderz an sistahz.
happy 4th uv july.
I googled dis pikshur uvva american flag fer u to show mi patriotizm.
on dis day I think uv all da patriotz dat fot to keep us free.  I espeshully think uv mi grate frend sarge charlie.  he hadda american flag shirt or two dat he enjoyed warin.
if i wore a hat I wood take it off an saloot him!
speekin uv sarge ... mi mom iz gointa vizit da funshine state fer a few dayz.
i will do da best I can wid dis iPad .... but I am gointa be busy tryin to keep mi dad occyoopied.  he will be missin mi mom.  I will be too!
in udder nooz, mi mom an I are reelly catchin up on GoT.  I know hoo most uv da characterz ar now.  I luv it.  It'z so ... violent! an everyone iz so ... crazy!
da end.


  1. Man...they won't let me watch GoT here. Something about me getting ideas and how I might like some kid king too much. Tsk.

    Happy 4th, dood! I hope your mom has fun in FL!

  2. Happy 4th to you, too, my friend! And here's waish your Mom a wonderful visit in the Funshine state.

    The humans here all watch GoT, too. I say it's a good thing I came to live with my family before GoT, or my name might have been Tyrion, who is my mom's favorite (next to Daenerys).

    1. now dat we hav been catchin up wid all da seesonz, I think I havta agree wid yer mom ... Tyrion iz grate!

  3. We don't know what GoT is, but that's okay. Happy Independence Day to you. Hope your mom has a good trip.

    1. Game uv Thronez triple F!i
      Mi mom landed
      I miss her
      Da end

  4. Meowm watches GoT and loves it too! Meowm likes that little guy, Tyrion and the Dragon lady! She also like Arya and is looking forward to when the evil ones get their due!

    The 4th is a great day! We also loves all our peeps who won and continue to keep our freedoms.
